How to choose a high
quality LED grow light
There is confusion of many growers : How to choose a high quality led
grow light? Does the cheap light cause cheap results? How to evaluate the
quality of light ?
Professional grower looks for the following features in a high-quality led
grow lamp.
1. Isolated power driver.
The electronic circuit powering the LEDs is an important consideration
when evaluating LED lights. The LED “driver” circuit is like an HID ballast.Isolated
power converts AC input power into DC
power at the proper voltage and current level for the LEDs, while protecting
the lights from electromagnetic interference , also protecting the person who
would interact the lights sometimes from electric shock.
2. Large Size LED
Large size chips contribute to quick heat dispelling, It has good heat
resistance thus the lamp beads will not be damaged easily. The life expectancy
is increased greatly.
Like the CPU in your PC, high-power LEDs must be cooled with a heat
sink and fan. Because high-power LEDs do not radiate any heat, the metal pad
provides the only path for heat to leave the LED. Heat flows from the LED die,
through the metal slug, through the circuit board, into a heat sink and then
out to the surrounding air.
Look for LEDs mounted on a metal-core printed circuit board (MCPCB), a
space-grade technology used for operating electronics at high temperature. An
MCPCB conducts hundreds of times more heat compared to the typical fiberglass
circuit board. An MCPCB is required for the high power levels that LED
horticultural lights endure.
4. Constant-Current Driver Circuit
Proper LED driver circuits supply a constant DC current, holding steady
as the LED voltage changes with temperature. Look for the words “constant-current”
in the horticultural light’s LED driver specifications.
5. Rigorous Testing
The LED lighting marketplace can be confusing. How does one separate
fact from fiction when reading manufacturer claims about electrical savings and
plant growth? Look to see if the manufacturer possesses an engineer groups to
conduct the test for all finished products.All in all,whether greenhouse
growing is your livelihood or your hobby, don’t risk the health of your crops
or your budget on inadequately tested LED lights.